Tag: writing

From Slush-pile to Signing a Contract: How I secured a two-book publishing deal – Part Two

Firstly, apologies for spreading this story over two parts, but it’s a fairly long, and hopefully not too boring, tale. I generally love reading other author’s publication tales, because they are little glimmers of hope in what can sometimes feel like a fairly futile activity. Though, it must be said, publication is not the sole objective of writing. I could…

Reading and Writing Round Up

Book-Birdy-Fb-Profile-ImageWelcome to what I think is going to become a regular part of Book Birdy, and that is, a weekly check-in where I share my best short and long reads of the week, and do a little self-analysis about what I’ve been writing (apart from this blog).

I hope you enjoy it..

ON WRITING: Finishing the First Draft of a Novel

“Every first draft is perfect, because all a first draft has to do is exist.” — Jane Smiley What kind of crack was Jane Smiley (a Pulitzer Prize winner, no less) smoking when she said this? – was the first thought that popped into my head the other day when this ‘inspirational quote’ came through my twitter feed. My second,…