blame-it-on-the-boo-gieIN 140 CHARACTERS OR LESS:

A quirky new chapter book series about three siblings ‘living the dream’

Who it’s perfect for:

Blame it on the Boo-gie is the fifth in The Tinklers Three chapter book series, ideal for ages 6-9. Emerging readers should be able to manage this on their own, but some may enjoy it being read to them.

The plot:

Siblings, Mila, Marcus and Turtle, are living every child’s dream – their parents are away with a travelling circus, leaving the kids to their own devices.

‘Marcus, Mila and Turtle planned to join their parents in the circus one day. But for now, they lived all by themselves, which meant they got to do things their own way.’

Of course, that means chocolate ice-cream for breakfast, no set bedtimes and arbitrary ‘rules’ which include sitting under the table at meal-times for the month of October.

Needless to say, they are a quirky lot – Mila sneezes when she has a good idea, Marcus likes to learn a new language every week, and little Turtle thinks she’s an actual turtle.

All in all, life on the 33rd floor of 33 Rushby Road is just dandy until the Petersons from Number 12 move out. Who will move in to the empty flat?

Mila wants ghosts as their new neighbours, and what better way to entice some ghoulish friends into the neighbourhood than to hold a ghost disco party?

Why you need it on your bookshelf:

This is a terrific new series from an Australian writer (see more below) which will appeal to both boys and girls for it’s humorous writing and quirky characters.

Mila, Marcus and Turtle are loads of fun, and there’s a lovely dash of fantasy in these books to help keep those little imaginations ticking over.

The text is supported by illustrations and unusual fonts and typefaces which will help maintain interest for children transitioning from ‘readers’ to chapter books.

About the author:

Meredith (M.C) Badger is the author of Fairy School Dropout, Fairy School Dropout Undercover, and Tweenie Genie: Genie in Training. She is also a writer for the Go Girl! series. Originally from Australia, Meredith lives in Germany with her family.

Buy The Tinkler’s Three: Blame it on the boogie (or any of the books in the series) from Booktopia or from Readings